revitalise and refresh: alcohol free tipples for a relaxing bank holiday

Revitalise and Refresh: Non Alcoholic Tipples for a Relaxing Bank Holiday

Citizen Spritz focuses on non alcoholic drinks that emphasise flavour by balancing vibrant natural ingredients with that warming tingle usually reserved for boozier beverages. The upcoming Bank Holiday is the perfect time to try us out and go alcohol free for a revitalising and refreshing day.

Benefits of alcohol-free tipples

Recent research by Amplyfi has shown that the rise of the wellness culture has driven a shift towards non alcoholic products as consumers seek alternatives to traditional alcoholic beverages. More and more people are also becoming more flexitarian in their drinking habits, swapping alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks interchangeably, as alcohol free options like Citizen Spritz offer them a tastier choice than water or fizzy drinks.

We’ve discussed the advantages of opting for no alcohol tipples in many of our blogs, such as prioritising mental health through alcoholfree drinks and how alcoholfree drinks can help manage stress. Non alcoholic drinks can also enhance your hydration levels, which is always good.

Exploring refreshing ingredients

The other great thing about our non alcoholic spritzes is that we use various refreshing ingredients to create them, and they are perfect for garnishing as well.

Citrus fruits, such as lemon and lime, are some of the most refreshing ingredients, and we have featured them in three drinks in our alcohol-free spritz range: Bitter Orange, Cool Lime and Pink Grapefruit Citizen Spritz. Citrus fruits also work perfectly as garnishes.

Other refreshing ingredients include herbs and spices (such as mint, basil and ginger), berries and other fruits (such as strawberries, watermelon, and cucumber) and floral elements (such as lavender, rose and hibiscus).

Spritz recipes for Bank Holiday tipples

Any of our non alcoholic spritzes will make a refreshing bank holiday aperitif for you:

  • Bitter Orange – Our signature bitter spritz comes from grape juice concentrate and natural flavourings.
  • Cool Lime – Our mojito-inspired spritz offers the refreshing flavours of lime, mint and white rum while remaining deliciously alcohol-free.
  • Pink Grapefruit – Made from pink grapefruit juice concentrate and natural flavourings, our pink grapefruit instant spritz is tangy and packs a punch.
  • Passion Fruit – This spritz is perhaps our fruitiest flavour, containing passion fruit and orange juice concentrate.

Preparing our alcohol free spritzes is easy. Add 175ml of soda or sparkling water to 25 ml of your chosen flavour, add ice and garnish!

Presentation and garnishing tips

You can find out more about serving and garnishing our spritzes on our “How to Drink” page, but some of our favourite options are:

  • Bitter Orange – Serve in a balloon glass with plenty of ice, and garnish with a slice of fresh orange.
  • Cool Lime – Serve in a highball glass filled with ice and lime wedges, and finish with a sprig of mint.
  • Passion Fruit – Serve in a lowball glass over ice, and garnish with a sprig of rosemary.
  • Pink Grapefruit – Serve in a tall wine glass with lots of ice, and garnish with a wedge of ruby red grapefruit.

So why not go alcohol -free this Bank Holiday to ensure you enjoy the day? Try out one of our non alcoholic spritzes for a refreshing and revitalising experience – our sampler pack is perfect for deciding which flavour is your favourite.

You can check out our non alcoholic drinks range on the website. Please get in touch with us at if you have any questions.

Citizen spritz. Alcohol free for the people.